Blog Posts

Baby Registry using Amazon or Buy Buy Baby

Creating a baby registry can be an exciting and daunting task.

With so many options and products available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

After doing extensive research, we found that larger companies like Amazon and Buy Buy Baby were the best places to create a baby registry.

These companies offer a wide range of products and services, and you can easily manage your registry online.

We created a baby registry for our little one, Kylan, on Amazon, and it was a breeze.

We added all the products that we wanted, and our friends and family were able to purchase them with ease.

Check out our baby registry on Amazon to get some ideas on what products to include –

Create your own baby registry on Amazon and click on the Amazon registry banners.

Check out the Baby page to see a full list of of Kylan’s favorite products

Buy Buy Baby was also a great place for us to physically go and see products.

We were able to test out car seats and strollers, and we fell in love with the Uppababy brand.

We also looked at crib furniture in-store and then price shopped online. We ended up finding our crib on Target on sale with free shipping!

When creating your baby registry, it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare prices.

While it’s nice to see products in person, make sure to check pricing on multiple marketplaces for higher ticket items to get the best deals.

In conclusion, creating a baby registry doesn’t have to be a stressful experience and many of the major marketplaces make the process of creating and linking a registry simple. Just do your research and take your time to select the products that work best for you and your baby.

Always remember, it’s okay to shop around and compare prices to get the best deals!

Thanks for visiting DoodleandBaby!

Check out our blog post: Top 10 Baby Products 1 Month Into Parenthood

Disclaimer: Please note that I may earn a commission on product purchases made through Amazon links on this website. However, this does not mean any additional fees for you. I only endorse products that we genuinely recommend and personally love. Thank you for supporting my work through your purchases.

Welcome to DoodleandBaby!

Welcome to my website and my first blog post! As a dad and dog owner, I know how challenging it can be to balance the needs of a baby and a furry friend.

That’s why I created this website to provide helpful resources and product recommendations for fellow parents and dog owners.

On this website, you’ll find a curated selection of products that I personally use and recommend for both my baby and dog.

These are products that have been tried and tested with Bear and Kylan.

From toys to food and everything in between, you’ll find all the essentials you need to keep your baby and dog happy and healthy.

Furthermore, I also plan to share more in-depth reviews of these products.

Additionally, I will provide helpful tips and advice on all things related to dogs and babies.

I hope you’ll find this website to be a valuable resource.

Check out the Doodle page for Bear’s favorite dog products and recommendations.

Picture of Bear the doodle for the DoodleandBear site

Check out the Baby page for Kylan’s favorite baby products and recommendations.

Picture of Kylan the baby for the DoodleandBear site.

Please note that some of the links on this website are affiliate marketing links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links and it’s the same price on Amazon face value with no additional fees on top for you.

However, I only promote products that I personally use and endorse.

I always strive to provide honest and unbiased reviews.

These are products I use for Bear and Kylan and I 100% support and endorse them for my own.

Thank you for visiting my website!

I hope you find it to be a helpful and informative resource for all your dog and baby needs!

Here are some helpful links for parents to get started and other third party sites I found resourceful:

Websites I really like for Dads:

Websites I really like for Moms:

“Dogs and babies share a language of love that transcends words, and their bond is a reminder that the simplest things in life bring the greatest joy.”

Welcome to!

Disclaimer: Please note that I may earn a commission on product purchases made through Amazon links on this website. However, this does not mean any additional fees for you. I only endorse products that we genuinely recommend and personally love. Thank you for supporting my work through your purchases.

The Best Dog Toys for Goldendoodles: Keeping Your Pup Entertained


As a Goldendoodle parent, you know that keeping your furry friend entertained is essential for their physical and mental health.

However, with so many options on the market, it can be challenging to find the best dog toys for your pup. In this article, we will review the best dog toys for Goldendoodles, taking into account breed characteristics, play style, and durability.

We will also provide affiliate links for easy purchase of these toys.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Toys for Goldendoodles

Before diving into the top toys for Goldendoodles, it’s essential to consider a few factors when choosing toys for your furry friend.

Goldendoodle Breed Characteristics:

Goldendoodles are an intelligent and active breed, so they require toys that will keep them mentally stimulated and physically active.

They also have a natural instinct to chew, so toys that can stand up to tough chewing are a must.

Play Style and Preferences:

Every dog has unique preferences for play style, so it’s essential to choose toys that match your Goldendoodle’s personality.

Some dogs prefer plush toys they can cuddle with, while others prefer puzzle toys that challenge their problem-solving skills.

Durability and Safety:

Finally, consider the durability and safety of the toy.

Toys that can withstand tough chewing and won’t break into small pieces are safer for your dog to play with.

Top Toys for Goldendoodles

Based on the above factors, here are some of the best dog toys for Goldendoodles:

Plush Toys:

Goldendoodles love snuggling up with plush toys.

Look for ones that are made from durable materials and have reinforced seams.

We recommend the KONG Cozie Marvin the Moose Plush Toy.

Chew Toys:

Since Goldendoodles love to chew, it’s essential to provide them with chew toys that will satisfy their chewing instinct.

Look for toys made from durable materials such as rubber or nylon.

The Nylabone Power Chew Dura Chew Textured Ring is an excellent option.

Puzzle Toys:

Puzzle toys challenge your Goldendoodle’s problem-solving skills and provide mental stimulation.

The Outward Hound Hide-a-Squirrel Puzzle Toy is an excellent choice.

Fetch Toys:

Goldendoodles are also active dogs, so fetch toys are a great way to get them moving.

Look for toys made from durable materials that can withstand tough play. The Chuckit! Ultra Ball is a popular choice.

How to Use Toys to Keep Your Goldendoodle Entertained
Now that you have the best dog toys for your Goldendoodle, it’s time to put them to use.

Here are some tips for incorporating toys into your Goldendoodle’s routine:

Rotate toys regularly:

It’s important to switch up your Goldendoodle’s toys regularly to keep them interested and prevent boredom. Keep a selection of toys on hand and rotate them every few days.

Use toys for training:

Toys can also be a great tool for training your Goldendoodle. Use them to teach basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Incorporating toys into training sessions can make them more enjoyable for your dog.

Incorporate toys into playtime:

Set aside dedicated playtime each day to interact with your Goldendoodle and their toys. Play fetch or tug-of-war, or use puzzle toys to challenge their problem-solving skills.

Ideas for interactive play:

Here are some ideas for interactive play with your Goldendoodle:


Hide treats or toys around the house or yard and encourage your Goldendoodle to find them. This will stimulate their natural hunting instincts and provide mental stimulation.

Agility courses:

Set up an agility course in your backyard using objects such as cones, tunnels, and jumps.

This will challenge your Goldendoodle’s physical abilities and keep them active.

Training games:

Incorporate toys into training games such as “find it” or “leave it.” These games will provide mental stimulation and reinforce good behavior.


In conclusion, keeping your Goldendoodle entertained is crucial for their overall well-being. Providing them with the best dog toys for their breed characteristics and play style will keep them mentally stimulated and physically active.

Remember to rotate toys regularly and incorporate them into your Goldendoodle’s routine.

With the right toys and interactive play, you can keep your Goldendoodle happy and healthy for years to come.

Check out the Doodle page for Bear’s favorite dog products and recommendations.

Thanks for visiting DoodleandBaby!

Disclaimer: Please note that I may earn a commission on product purchases made through Amazon links on this website. However, this does not mean any additional fees for you. I only endorse products that we genuinely recommend and personally love. Thank you for supporting my work through your purchases.

The Ultimate Guide to Goldendoodle Grooming: Tips and Products for a Happy, Healthy Dog


Goldendoodles are beloved family pets for many reasons, including their adorable looks and affectionate personalities.

However, Goldendoodles require regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and comfortable.

In this guide, we’ll provide tips and product recommendations to help you groom your Goldendoodle like a pro.

Section 1: Understanding Your Goldendoodle’s Coat

Goldendoodles have a soft and curly coat that comes in various colors and patterns.

They require regular grooming to prevent matting and to keep their coat healthy and shiny.

You should brush your Goldendoodle at least once a week to keep their coat looking its best.

Neglecting your Goldendoodle’s coat can lead to skin irritation and infection.

Section 2: Essential Grooming Tools for Goldendoodles

To groom your Goldendoodle at home, you’ll need a few essential grooming tools.

These include:

Slicker brush: This brush has fine, short wires close together that can detangle your Goldendoodle’s coat without pulling or hurting them.

Comb: A metal comb with long teeth is perfect for removing mats and tangles in your Goldendoodle’s coat.

Clippers: Clippers are used to trim your Goldendoodle’s coat to keep it looking neat and tidy.

Scissors: Scissors can be used to trim your Goldendoodle’s face, paws, and tail.

Here are a few recommended grooming tools with affiliate links to purchase:

Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush

Andis Premium Large Pin Brush

Wahl Lithium Ion Pro Series Cordless Clippers

Conair PRO Dog Rounded-Tip Shears

Section 3: Step-by-Step Grooming Process for Goldendoodles

Here’s a step-by-step process for grooming your Goldendoodle:

Brush your Goldendoodle’s coat using a slicker brush to remove tangles and mats.

Use a metal comb to remove any remaining tangles or mats.

Bathe your Goldendoodle using a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner.

Rinse your Goldendoodle thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Use a towel to dry your Goldendoodle, and then use a hairdryer on a low setting to finish drying their coat.

Trim your Goldendoodle’s coat using clippers and scissors as needed.
It’s important to make grooming a positive experience for your Goldendoodle.

Offer treats and praise to keep them calm and happy throughout the process.

Section 4: Common Grooming Challenges and Solutions

Goldendoodles can experience a few grooming challenges, such as matting or skin irritation.

Here are a few solutions to common grooming challenges:

Matting: If your Goldendoodle’s coat becomes matted, use a slicker brush to gently remove the mats.

If the mats are severe, it may be necessary to trim your Goldendoodle’s coat to remove them.

Skin irritation: If your Goldendoodle develops skin irritation, stop grooming immediately and consult with a veterinarian.

They may recommend a medicated shampoo or treatment to soothe your dog’s skin.

Here are a few recommended grooming products with affiliate links to purchase:

Furminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool

Earthbath All-Natural Oatmeal & Aloe Shampoo

Zesty Paws Allergy Immune Supplement for Dogs

Section 5: Additional Tips for Keeping Your Goldendoodle’s Coat Healthy and Shiny

In addition to regular grooming, here are a few extra tips to keep your Goldendoodle’s coat healthy and shiny:

Maintain a Healthy Diet: A healthy diet is important for your Goldendoodle’s overall health and coat.

Ensure that your dog’s food is high in essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, to keep their coat shiny and healthy.

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise not only keeps your Goldendoodle healthy but also improves their coat’s health by increasing blood flow and distributing natural oils throughout their coat.

Regular Visits to a Professional Groomer: Even if you groom your Goldendoodle at home, it’s still important to take them to a professional groomer for a full grooming session every few months. This will ensure that your Goldendoodle’s coat is always in top condition.


Grooming your Goldendoodle may seem daunting, but with the right tools, techniques, and products, it can be an enjoyable and bonding experience for you and your furry friend.

Remember to always make grooming a positive experience for your dog and take it slow if they are not used to the process.

By following the tips and using the recommended products in this guide, you can keep your Goldendoodle’s coat healthy, shiny, and looking its best.

Happy grooming!

Check out the Doodle page for Bear’s favorite dog products and recommendations.

Thanks for visiting DoodleandBaby!

Disclaimer: Please note that I may earn a commission on product purchases made through Amazon links on this website. However, this does not mean any additional fees for you. I only endorse products that we genuinely recommend and personally love. Thank you for supporting my work through your purchases.

Top 10 Baby Products 1 Month Into Parenthood

Hello Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that a month has already passed since we welcomed our little bundle of joy, Kylan.

As new parents, we’ve experienced a mix of emotions – from excitement to exhaustion – as we adapt to the changes that come with caring for a newborn.

Amidst the chaos, we’ve received some great advice to take it one day at a time and embrace the journey.

As a Star Wars fan, I find inspiration from the Mandalorian’s mantra of “this is the way.”

I also turn to David Goggins for motivation during our daily walks with Bear and Kylan.

His “never give up” attitude keeps us going, even on the tough days.

Despite the challenges, we’re grateful for our loving partnership and the family we’ve created together.

Kylan has already shown us his strong personality, with his vice-like grip and adorable expressions.

As we navigated our baby shower and prepared for Kylan’s arrival, we received many useful products and gifts for the nursery.

Now, one month into parenthood, we want to share our top 10 baby products recommendations for the best baby products that have been essential for us or that Kylan loves the most.

We hope these product suggestions will be helpful for new parents like us.

Top 10 Baby Products

Uppababy V2 Stroller and Bassinet

This travel system is a game-changer for parents on the go. The spacious bassinet is perfect for newborns, and the stroller is easy to maneuver for both male and female caregivers. The stroller accessory compartments are a convenient touch for carrying essential items.

Keekaroo Peanut Changer

This changing pad is a breeze to clean up after messy diaper changes. The wipeable surface is ideal for preventing bacteria buildup, and the cushioned material is comfortable for babies up to 30 pounds. The neutral color also makes it a stylish addition to any nursery.

Uppababy Mesa Infant Car Seat

This car seat is a top-notch choice for safety and comfort. The grey color is sleek and stylish, and the easy installation and removal from vehicles make it a winner for busy parents. The ability to attach it to the Uppababy stroller is a bonus.

The Play Gym by Lovevery

This Montessori-inspired play gym is a fantastic way to promote brain and motor skill development through play. The removable accessories and age-appropriate activities guide make it easy to adapt to your baby’s developmental stages.

Uppababy Changing Backpack

This backpack is a convenient way to carry all your baby essentials on the go. The sleek design is perfect for both moms and dads, and the numerous compartments make it easy to organize diapers, wipes, and other items.

Nanit Pro Smart Baby Monitor

This high-tech baby monitor is a lifesaver for new parents. The smart app-powered technology offers live video and sound, the ability to take pictures, and even tracks your baby’s breathing. The ease of use and reliable notifications make it a must-have.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Sterilizer and Dryer

This sterilizer and dryer system makes cleaning baby bottles and pacifiers a breeze. The adjustable time settings and compact size make it an excellent addition to any kitchen.

Phillips Avent Soothie Pacifiers

This pacifier is a favorite for many babies due to its ability to soothe and provide nutritive sucking. The Avent hole design is great for breathing and suction, and the easy-to-grasp design is perfect for tiny hands.

Yogasleep Hushh Portable Sound Machine

This portable sound machine is a lifesaver for parents trying to get their baby to sleep. The soothing sounds and easy-to-use design make it a must-have for any family.

Aquafor Baby Healing Ointment

This moisturizer and skin protection ointment is a must-have for protecting your baby’s skin from dryness and irritation. The easy-to-carry size makes it perfect for on-the-go use.

Please take a look at the Baby page for Kylan’s favorite baby products and recommendations.

Picture of Kylan for Baby Products blog.

Want to learn how to make a baby registry on Amazon? Check out the blog post – Baby Registry using Amazon or Buy Buy Baby

Please feel free to leave any comments or fill out your contact info on the Contact page and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thanks for visiting DoodleandBaby!

Disclaimer: Please note that I may earn a commission on product purchases made through Amazon links on this website. However, this does not mean any additional fees for you. I only endorse products that we genuinely recommend and personally love. Thank you for supporting my work through your purchases.